• crystal
  • We will be holding a sound healing session using singing bowls and crystal bowls, as well as a short card reading session.

    10/21 (Monday) 10:00~11:30 @EMasala

    Singing bowls are healing instruments that have a strong purifying power, adjust energy balance, and bring harmony to the mind and body.

    Crystal bowls are highly relaxing instruments, and it is said that listening to them for 20 minutes is equivalent to 8 hours of sleep.

    After enjoying a quiet and relaxing time with the two instruments, there will also be time for a short card reading by the two of them.

    What do you need to let go of right now?

    What should I do to prepare for the next step?

    What do you truly desire?

    We deliver the message you need right now.

    Singing Bowl Player: Mind Body Therapist Saerri

    Crystal Bowl Player: Sound & Mind Therapist Nozomi

    The application form is here.


